Saturday, August 31, 2019
Hindenburg Disaster
On May 6th, 1937, a Zeppelin airship of Germany called the Hindenburg set off for its first North Atlantic crossing. It was to land on Naval Air Station base in Lakehurst, New Jersey but fate had a different plan for the Hindenburg and its passengers. At 7:20, reporters and crowds gathered around to see the sky-beauty land in her appointed spot, but at 7:23 screams were heard and the sound of a firework shooting up. To the crowdââ¬â¢s amazement, they saw a small, orange flame forming at the tail end of the airship. The fire started at the top tail fin or so it has been reported by eye witnesses of this horrific disaster.The designer of the Hindenburg had law enforcements give the witnesses a blueprint of the airship so they could illustrate where they seen the small flame and how they saw the fire spread across the dirigible. When everything was said and done and they reviewed the blueprints that were collected not one was identical to the one before or after it. Some saw a flash, some saw a spark, and some saw an explosion. The cause, to this day, has been unknown. There are theories floating around such as: static electricity from the on coming thunderstorm, a small lighting bolt, a leak of hydrogen, conspiracy, and many others that have no backing agents.In the following sections I will have hoped to help you make you decision on what the real cause of this tragic event was and in detail explained what I think happened and why with a scientific explanation. First, what was the structure of the Hindenburg made of? The skeleton was made of an aluminum structure. The blimps design was 15 main rings made of aluminum making the central frame. Then the remaining frame was welted to those 15 rings then covered with non flame-retardant cotton. Then the cotton itself was painted. It was painted with cellulose acetate butyrate and aluminum powder, both of which can be combustible alone.Aluminum powder can be explosive or flammable if mixed with air, it is used in l iquid and solid rocket fuels, and used in thermite, which is an incendiary. It also burns and orange-red depending on other elements being present at point of ignition. The cellulose acetate butyrate is combustible and used in everyday items such as hairbrushes. Thought it was painted with the same substance throughout it was not painted with the same amount of coats throughout. The top had more layers of ââ¬Å"dopeâ⬠paint to sustain from lighting strikes and the bottom was painted with a top coat of reflection ââ¬Å"dopeâ⬠paint to fool the people below.Inside the Hindenburg, there were 16 gas filled pockets. These pockets were filled with hydrogen instead of helium because it is less dense than Helium. (Side note: The fact that hydrogen is less dense than helium is proven because of Avogadro. He stated that if you have two different gases at the same pressure and the same temperature then they would have the same amount of particles. But then that would lead to say th at one mol of helium has a mass of 4 grams and one mol of hydrogen has a mass of 2 grams. The pockets or gasbags were lined with goldbeaterââ¬â¢s skin, a thin membrane taken from cattle intestines. The Hindenburg as a whole was almost the size of the Titanic. There are many theories to what caused the Hindenburg fire. Suggestions such as: the pain caught fire from a spark that came off the rope being deployed at the landing destination, or the hydrogen being released had caught a spark or a lightning bolt, a Nazi soldier set the airship on fire, or a witness from below shot the tail end of the dirigible causing it to catch fire.Though these theories have been backed by countless number of reasoningââ¬â¢s and facts no one scientist can fully prove the cause of the fire. There is one theory that could have been but more than likely it did not. The theory of conspiracy. Though it is true that a handgun was found in the remains of the Hindenburg, it is not a plausible answer to th e massive disaster. It is said that a Nazi purposefully shot one of the hydrogen bags while walking the axis of the airship. Considering the Hindenburg was an anti-Nazi dirigible and even its creator did not support Hitler and his rampage, it is not a creditable theory.Though it is a food for thought, the conspiracy theory has no backing or relative cause of purpose. Addison Bain, for example, tried to show that the thermite paint caused a reaction. In his paper he went on to say that a spark from the engine had landed on the paint and contained enough energy to set fire to the paint and cause the fire. Though he is not completely wrong, personally it is not a well-enough explanation to what happened and how it happened. Bain had preformed television demonstrations on his theory, but he had flaws in his experiments.For instance, he showed a continuous flame one the skin on the Hindenburg model and his research shows that he concluded it to be an instant spark. On another count, he u sed a small piece of the actual skin cover in the ââ¬Å"dopeâ⬠and he set it on fire and showed its burn time, if these were correct tests he should have allowed reaction time, set fire in relative area of the original fire, the tail area not its mid section, and did not consider the dampness of the ââ¬Å"dopeâ⬠paint at the altitude it was at. These were also factors going against whether or not the Mythbusters had correctly called their test on Bainââ¬â¢s theory a bust.In the television series Mythbusters, Adam and Jamie gather myths that have been sent in by their viewers, myths that are not able to be determined busted on a day-to-day basis, and they safely determine if the myth is true and factual or is it a rumor and a hoax. Mythbusters determined that the theory proposed by Addison Bain was a bust. They built three models of the Hindenburg on a 1/50th scale and conducted three different experiments. One Hindenburg was painted with the ââ¬Å"dopeâ⬠and fil led with air. The second was just the hydrogen within with a regular skin without the ââ¬Å"dopeâ⬠compound.The third consisted of both the ââ¬Å"dopeâ⬠skin and the hydrogen filling. They determined that the hydrogen was the real cal prate of the Hindenburg fire. Considering the way they tested the experiments, it is very arguable to say that they did not correctly perform their experiments. For instance they did not set fire at the tail end of the dirigible. They also set a direct flame and not an initial spark to the paint. In addition, when they set fire to a small portion of the skin covered in ââ¬Å"dopeâ⬠they did not allow a reaction time. Reminder that witnesses said they saw an orange-red flame at the tail end of the dirigible. ) While examining the mystery of the Hindenburg, you will notice that at 7:20 the crowd has noticed a slight spark at the tail end; and at 7:23 the airship has started to come down in flames. It took approximately 24 seconds for th e Hindenburg to burn from tail to nose. The Mythbuster gangââ¬â¢s Hindenburg models took times that consist of 1 minute and 37 seconds, 57 second, and 52 seconds. In order to declare this busted, one must allow for every possible variable that could have been presented on May 6th in New Jersey.Other factors that could pose a problem against the Mythbusters are considerations that any man can conjure up and present. For example, the experiment was conducted inside and on the day on the disaster there was a high wind issue. In order for fire to burn rapidly it has to have a large supply of oxygen. The atmosphere consists of nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen, oxygen is most of that. Another problem could have been that the Hindenburg had gasbags filled with hydrogen and the Mythbusters ââ¬Å"generallyâ⬠filled the down-scale model with hydrogen, not separating the ââ¬Å"dopeâ⬠paint skin and the hydrogen contact.If the skin would have been directly lying on the hydrogen in the Hindenburg, it would have taken far less time to burn or might have actually ââ¬Å"explodedâ⬠. Another myth that has spread widely is that the Hindenburg was painted with pure rocket fuel. As stated previously, the ââ¬Å"dopeâ⬠consisted of aluminum powder and cellulose acetate butyrate. Though it contains rocket fuel ingredients it is not painted fully and only rocket fuel. It is also and ingredient in thermite incendiary, which explains why scientist concluded the Hindenburg fire to be a thermite reaction. Fe2O3+2Al ? Al2O3+2Fe) is the chemical equation for a thermite reaction. A thermite reaction is an exothermic reaction. Meaning when its compounds react with one another they put off heat instead of absorbing energy, or an endothermic reaction. Also, when you burn metals together they tend to have a orange or red flameâ⬠¦ the Hindenburg burnt orange-red) Aluminum powder was in bedded in the ââ¬Å"dopeâ⬠compound. This byproduct is mostly found in the co ntents of rocket fuel or rocket propellants.It is often mistakenly said that the Hindenburg was painted with rocket fuel but this conclusion is only partially correct. The aluminum powder itself, if extremely fine, can form flammable and explosive mixtures in the air. Basically, the Hindenburg was not painted with rocket fuel. The next suggestion is that the Mythbusters did not allow for weather conditions to be taken into consideration. On May 6th, 1937, it was told to be raining which is a reason the Hindenburg did not land at it designated time. It was delayed over the Atlantic for several hours.Some scientist have asked, if it had been a spark that ignited the paint then it would have had to generate enough energy to first evaporate dew off of skin and then still possess enough energy to ignite the ââ¬Å"dopeâ⬠on the skin. Once again, the skin was made of aluminum powder and cellulose acetate butyrate. CAB contains low moisture absorption. It effectively resists weatherin g and ultra-violet radiation. Though it is not effective against alcohol, alkalis, paint removers, and acetones. Since the compound contained aluminum powder, an alkaline metal, could this have over powered it so the ââ¬Å"dopeâ⬠paint absorbed a small amount of water?It could have, but only if the aluminum powder was in a ration of 50 to 1. It might have been wiser for the German makers to obtain helium rather that hydrogen. Helium does not burn. It is a monatomic gas, or having replaced one atom. Since helium already contains 8 electrons it is a noble gas. This property makes it highly un-reactive because it is already considered to be happy with its eight electrons in its outer most shell. The problem with using hydrogen in the Hindenburg is that it only contains one valence electron which can cause it to highly reactive to almost any element it comes into contact with.The wiser decision for the makers of the Hindenburg would have been to use the less reactive helium instea d of the highly reactive hydrogen. In conclusion, I believe the hydrogen is not the cause of the Hindenburg disaster. Though it is a major factor with its rapid fire spread it is not the main cause. In my opinion, the cause is that a small lighting bolt had hit where the body and the tail fin connected. Where the covering of the body tries to match that of the tail fin. This makes sense because the tail fins were coated with a lighter coating of the ââ¬Å"dopeâ⬠paint. This is the location the hydrogen is being released.A spark hit the paint at this specific spot causing the paint to ignite and causing a chain reaction with the paint and the hydrogen. If hydrogen was being released at a specific temperature and a specific pressure around the area of ignition, it may have caused the ââ¬Å"explosionâ⬠on the Hindenburg. When hydrogen comes in contact with a flame the hydrogen extinguishes the flame, but when a combination of hydrogen along with air (oxygen) are presented w ith a flame, the hydrogen will persist to terminate the flame but then the air with reignite it. This is because a fire cannot burn without the presence of oxygen.Additionally, a hydrogen reaction (2H+O2? 2H2O) is an exothermic reaction, the same as the thermite within the ââ¬Å"dopeâ⬠paint. With the hydrogen putting of heat when it reacted and the thermite releasing heat as it reacted it caused the temperature of the skin to increase to an immeasurable heat. This most likely caused the aluminum powder within the ââ¬Å"dopeâ⬠to become a lose particle in the air. Another point that may have added to the release of the aluminum powder could be the Hindenburg had been hit before by lightning bolts and caused small burn holes on the top half of the Hindenburg and caused no fire.Analyzing that the statement before is true, there may have been a chance that the aluminum powder from the ââ¬Å"dopeâ⬠paint could have escaped where the lightning bolt had struck. Therefore it caused a reaction between the oxygen in the air and the aluminum powder. Furthermore my conclusion is the hydrogen is not the initial cause of the fire but the ââ¬Å"dopeâ⬠paint itself. Again this is my opinion and you, as the reader, are free to interoperate the data and conclude to your own opinion because to interoperate the true cause of the Hindenburg is a personal preference one must do on oneââ¬â¢s own.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Reading comprehension Essay
|Types of Reading | |Maija MacLeod | |[pic] | |In this Page: | |Overview | |Intensive Reading | |Extensive Reading | |Intensive and Extensive Reading Together | |Scanning | |Skimming | |Scanning and Skimming Together | |References | |[pic] | |Overview: | |Several types of reading may occur in a language classroom. One way in which these may be categorized ,| |as suggested by Brown (1989) can be outlined as follows: | | A. Oral | | B. Silent | | I. Intensive | | a. linguistic | | b. content | | II. Extensive | | a. skimming | | b. scanning | | c. global | |The first distinction that can be made is whether the reading is oral or silent. This web page will not| |deal with oral reading, only silent reading. | |Within the category of silent reading, one encounters intensive and extensive reading. Intensive | |reading is used to teach or practice specific reading strategies or skills. The text is treated as an | |end in itself. Extensive reading on the other hand, involves reading of large quantities of material,| |directly and fluently. It is treated as a means to an end. It may include reading reading simply for | |pleasure or reading technical, scientific or professional material. This later type of text, more | |academic, may involve two specific types of reading, scanning for key details or skimming for the | |essential meaning. A relatively quick and efficient read, either on its own or after scanning or | |skimming, will give a global or general meaning. | |This web page then will first examine intensive reading. The second part will deal with extensive | |reading, with a focus on how it results in a general or global meaning. The fourth part gives a short | |comment on how intensive and extensive reading may operate in the same class. The fourth part examines | |scanning and the fifth, scanning. A final sixth part comments on how scanning and skimming may be used | |in the same reading. | | | |[pic] | |Intensive Reading | |In this section: | |What it is | |How it looks | |-Characteristics | |-Materials | |-Skills developed | |-Activities | |-Assessment | |When it is used | |Role of the teacher | |Advantages | |Disadvantages | |Questions sometimes asked | | | |What it is | |Brown (1989) explains that intensive reading ââ¬Å"calls attention to grammatical forms, discourse markers, | |and other surface structure details for the purpose of understanding literal meaning, implications, | |rhetorical relationships, and the like. â⬠He draws an analogy to intensive reading as a ââ¬Å"zoom lensâ⬠| |strategy . | |Long and Richards (1987) say it is a ââ¬Å"detailed in-classâ⬠analysis, led by the teacher, of vocabulary | |and grammar points, in a short passage. â⬠| |Intensive Reading, sometimes called ââ¬Å"Narrow Readingâ⬠, may involve students reading selections by the| |same author or several texts about the same topic. When this occurs, content and grammatical structures| |repeat themselves and students get many opportunities to understand the meanings of the text. The | |success of ââ¬Å"Narrow Readingâ⬠on improving reading comprehension is based on the premise that the more | |familiar the reader is with the text, either due to the subject matter or having read other works by | |the same author, the more comprehension is promoted. | |How it looks | | Characteristics: | |usually classroom based | |reader is intensely involved in looking inside the text | |students focus on linguistic or semantic details of a reading | |students focus on surface structure details such as grammar and discourse markers | |students identify keyà vocabulary | |students may draw pictures to aid them (such as in problem solving) | |texts are read carefully and thoroughly, again and again | |aim is to build more language knowledge rather than simply practice the skill of reading | |seen more commonly than extensive reading in classrooms | | Materials: | |usually very short texts ââ¬â not more than 500 words in length | |chosen for level of difficulty and usually, by the teacher | |chosen to provide the types of reading and skills that the teacher wants to cover in the course | | Skills developed: | |rapid reading practice | |interpreting text by using: | | -word attack skills | | | | -text attack skills | | -non-text information | |Activities: | |Intensive reading exercises may include: | |looking at main ideas versus details | |understanding what is implied versus stated | |making inferences | |looking at the order of information and how it effects the message | |identifying words that connect one idea to another | |identifying words that indicate change from one section to another | | | | Munby (1979) suggests four categories of questions that may be used in intensive reading. These | |include: | |Plain Sense ââ¬â to understand the factual, exact surface meanings in the text | |Implications ââ¬â to make inferences and become sensitive to emotional tone and figurative language | |Relationships of thought ââ¬â between sentences or paragraphs | |. Projective ââ¬â requiring the integration of information from the text to oneââ¬â¢s own background information| |Note that questions may fall into more than one category. | |. | |Assessment: | |Assessment of intensive reading will take the form of reading tests and quizzes. | |The most common systems of questioning are multiple-choice and free-response. | |Mackay (1968) , in his book Reading in a Second Language, reminds teachers that the most important | |objective in the reading class should NOT be the testing of the student to see if they have | |understood. Teachers should, instead, be spending most of the time training the student to understand | |what they read. | |When it is used | |when the objective of reading is to achieve full understanding of: | | ââ¬â logical argument | | ââ¬â rhetorical pattern of text | | ââ¬â emotional, symbolic or social attitudes and purposes of the author | | ââ¬â linguistic means to an end | | for study of content material that are difficult |.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Business Plan For A Business Organization
A well written business plan is recommended to begin any new business or new venture creation. The purpose of a business plan is to describe the business in detail for a variety of purposes. The plan can give direction and add vision to the company, such as growth and arket changes. A good business plan can attract new investors and potential partners or employees. It can also help manage the company as a whole. ââ¬Å"A business plan conveys the organizational structure of your business, including titlesâ⬠¦ A business plan is a written document or a statement that states the goals of the companies and the progress of how the goals are going to be accomplished. Plan of activities includes the why, what and when questions to come up with a solid plan that will turn into a business (Salman, 2008). Plan of activities serves the following purpose: (1) it acts a directive, plan of activities helps in identifying how far you want to take the business and you achievement at the end, (2) business plan givesâ⬠¦ Business and Organisation Structures TASK 1 There are different types of businesses. Some of them are Sole Traders, Partnership businesses and Limited companies. Sole Traders are the types of organization which is run by a sole owner. There is one person in charge. The sole trader takes the decision of expanding the business, how to operate and what kind of service to provide. The benefits of sole traders is that the owner gets all the profit and have total control on how to run the business.â⬠¦ create a business, itââ¬â¢s time to sit down and make some plans. You should NEVER dive right into the market, as it is a sure-fire way to fail. Plans are essential to your success in the market youââ¬â¢re looking to break into. So, with that in mind, you might be thinking just what plans should you make. What Plans You Need To Make To Ensure Your Business Is A Total Success 1.Do market research 2.Choose a name for your business 3.Pick a legal structure for the business 4.Develop a business plan Every oneâ⬠¦ In order for a business to be successful, that business has to have a clearly defined business model and plan. Regardless of the type of business, the purpose of a business model is to provide a clear level of insight of an organizationââ¬â¢s goals, mission, and strategy and framework of how the business will function to accomplish those goals. As a member-driven trade association, our focus is dedicated to communicating the value of community pharmacies as the face of neighborhood healthcare. Thisâ⬠¦ Business plan: Business plan is just like a written document of business future. This document generally projects business goals, issues may face your business and plans to solve them and outlines the route a company intends to take to grow revenues (Berry, n.d.). Generally a business plan will include components such as descriptions of the company, product or service, market, forecasts, management team, and financial analysis and containing a projected profit and loss statement (MCKEEVERâ⬠¦ Entrepreneurs looking to start-up a business need innovative ideas that translate into opportunity. Perpetuated by a vision of a product or service, entrepreneurs look to revolutionize an industry by satisfying unmet consumer demands in the market. Having an innovative product is what powers a business idea forward. Through careful market research and industry analysis, a solid and well-designed business plan is needed to define what your product is and how it will be profitable. The key to generatingâ⬠¦ have a business plan, no matter how small or how big. Running a business is very hard and requires a lot of details and having ideas, sort of a rough draft. A business plan serves as a road map and attracts capital through loans and investments. You will never know if your business will succeed or not but having a vision of what your business is going to be gives a good chance. The first step in a business plan is being able to write a business description for your business plan. Your business descriptionâ⬠¦ a new business requires a lot of planning, making vital financial decisions and conducting a number of legal activities. The demand of a person time may be much greater than anticipated. With careful planning, an individual would be able to work through some of those challenges they will be faced with. In starting a business, there are numerous steps/stages one must go through. Some of those steps includes (1) Business plan, (2) Choosing a business location, (3) Financing your business (4) Registeringâ⬠¦ you have a marketing and business plan. I believe no business can or will succeed without a Mission, Objective, Budget, and Marketing Plan. I have witness several businesses from a variety of people fail or not succeed because they fail to develop a Marketing and Business Plan. Without the proper preparation for any business or any product they will face higher chances of lacking its full potential. In addition, there are so many other contributing factors to a business not being successful whichâ⬠¦
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Have people become overly dependent on technology Research Paper
Have people become overly dependent on technology - Research Paper Example Human beings have become too dependent on technology to survive without it, considering that in the current world, all human beings rely on tools, devices and equipment or systems to make work easier for them. For example, human beings use technology to grow food, acquisition of good shelter, transport and communication, entertainment and even education. Technology can be loosely described as all that is a collection or composition of devices, skills, knowledge and the application in their application. All this makes the human work very easy to accomplish. Technology is the art or craft where human beings use their abilities through processes and knowledge to satisfy daily needs. Technology has always existed from time immemorial and what has been changing is the complexity of the relevant technical know-how. In ancient times, human beings used primitive forms of technology, for example harnessing of fire by rubbing two sticks together or the use of flints as blades. Today, technolog y has gone to higher levels for example innovations in communication technology and internet. Equally, there has been an advance in medical circles that has made human beings live a more comfortable life. This includes research in stem cell therapy, test tube babies and even vaccines. In the field of transport, human beings have become overly reliant on more efficient modes of transport that have come as a result of technology, and this includes dream liners, faster electric trains or trams and electric cars, which also includes transport modes such as cable cars and hot-air balloons. Technology has had a great impact in the daily running of the human lives. These effects exhibit themselves either positively or negatively. Human beings rely on technology to make their work simpler thus accruing the benefits that go a long way in improving lifestyles. Such technology for example internet has come with its advantage of making communication easier. Technology has made the world seem li ke what is normally known as a global village (Mooij, 2004). This is so in that it brings individuals closer to each other through constant communication and interaction. For example, social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and MySpace allow people to share a lot such as updates, photos, biographies and even share interests. The internet has also enabled faster communication in the sense that people get instant feedback on their communications. This can be accomplished through chats, emails and skyping. The creation of hot spots and wireless networks have enabled people to access the internet even in the remotest parts of a country thus enabling easier and faster communication. According to Kizza (2001), technological advances have enabled human beings to produce and secure data that is important in the day to day running of human life. Technology also allows human beings to have proper planning in their daily lives. For example, when you lose data contained in books and y ou wish to
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Class and race and civil war in france Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Class and race and civil war in france - Essay Example During the riot, there was a large population of whites and blacks. The whites had their own say on how things were to be done and also how people around them would live. Chances for blacks getting a job would be extremely limited, considering their skin color and their social status. The riots came at a time when the whites were the majority, and they had superior control of the financial state. It was a time when the credentials on the CV did not matter. Once a name was seen to be foreign, then it deemed the chances of the said person getting a job. The rioters destroyed and damaged places that symbolized their suffering. There was so much racism that there came to be certain cakes sold in the streets that bared the name negro-head. The rioters protested against the suffering that they encountered from the landlords, were in favor of white tenants and the rest would be sent off. From the BBC world news, the blacks were also discriminated because of their language which was termed a s poor English. There was so much hatred in that the television shows only showed whites acting. The BBC described these events as cruel, in that there could not be a single black person on television (Civil War in France, 178). The news source described the discrimination that was in France in a way that seemed that what was being done was wrong. In the events that brought about the riots, the minority communities could be seen doing the manual labor that was meant for them. The riot brought to light how the minority communities did all the cleaning, driving, pushing and serving the communities that considered themselves popular. The BBC world news also brought to light the lack of representation of the minority communities regardless of the situation. Though the riots were not rightfully justified and the damage done was not the solution, BBC world news brought to light the fact that what was happening in France was not only wrong, but immoral, unjustifiable, mean and a lack of re spect for humanity. The ethnic minorities were not represented when it came to political functions. This can be seen from the BBC world news report about an incident that involved a meeting by certain representatives that were concerned about the sudden unrest before the riots. The BBC world news stated that during and after the emergency meeting, there was no single black person in the committee that was to oversee the issue of unrest. Even the trade unions were no better. They showed the same social discrimination and difference in class and race. African and Asian communities resided in places that were dreary and not fit. They lived in isolated places and during the riots it could be seen that the police did not stop the rioters from destroying their own homes, but for the homes of those living in the urban states, they were protected (Civil War in France, 189). The civil war in France shed some light on the notion of proletariat revolution in that it was a political revolution whereby there was an attempt to overthrow some of the individuals who attained powers in the political, social and economic arena. It was an attempt whereby the working class individuals wanted to overthrow the bourgeoisie, a name given to those in power. Socialists advocated for the revolutions, and they were backed by communists and anarchists. An excerpt that shows this from the civil
Monday, August 26, 2019
Physician-Patient Interaction Adaptation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Physician-Patient Interaction Adaptation - Essay Example Based on these theories, the proponents substantially built a framework for their study which essentially included the concept of non-verbal communication in maintaining or obtaining genuine relationships in health care. The subjects included in this study were physicians and their respective patients confined in the hospital. The proponents were interested to dig on the non-verbal communication that existed between the physician and the patients and their probable mutual responses. Based on these responses, the researchers then had enough starting point to conclude that in physician-patient communication, mutual influence could probably exist. B. Identify the object of study (What is the researcher using to build their arguments and answer their questions?). The researchers collected sufficient number of articles or researches that are related to their study. From these studies, they tried to find important gaps particularly on the importance of effective communication in delivering quality standard health care service. They have elaborately discussed the psychosocial concerns in physician-patient interactions (Duggan & Bradshaw, 2008). All of these have become the basis of what method they should use in their study. They decided to employ videotaping technique in order to document the actual non-verbal responses of their subjects. All of the patients involved in the study were having chronic illnesses so dealing with them might probably be one of the most challenging activities for their entire treatment process. Effective communication process should be substantially required from the attending physician so as to come up with effective response such as cooperation from the patients. The proponents of the study tried to see to it that this important information should be documented through a videotape. C. Summarize the main inferences/conclusions of this article (In your own words, write the key conclusions presented in the article). The article found that no n-verbal cues or responses coming from physicians would potentially create specific reactions from patients. The said response from patients was found to be positive because it would improve the patient-physician interaction through a positive communication process prior to the delivery of quality care. What so central about this study is the ability of the researchers to find ways to investigate whether patients and physicians reciprocate nonverbal rapport-building communication behaviors and talk about how illness affects roles and relationships (Duggan & Bradshaw, 2008). D. Offer a practical application of the research (Explain how this research can have a real life application). Doctors or physicians are the ones patients would listen to as far as they would want to hear opinions regarding their health condition. Patients even confide personal and confidential information just to be able to receive the right diagnosis. It is therefore important that doctors should be able to lis ten to their patients effectively through a very effective communication process. Effective communication process as stated in the research would create rapport, and improve relationship-centered interaction between the doctor and patient, and all these can be shown in their non-verbal responses (Duggan & Bradshaw, 2008). In other words, the said research and its important findings about the importance of communication can be used by doctors and patients most particularly on improving the quality of health and service care. Doctors in particular
How plants communicate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
How plants communicate - Essay Example They adopt measures that control the resources in the environment, perceive themselves and distinguish between non-self and self thus enabling them to protect their territory. They would process the information and evaluate it and consequently modify their behaviour appropriately. These competencies indicate parallel communication processes in the body of plants, referred to as intraorganismic; between different and same species, referred to as interorganismic; and between plants and their non-plant counterparts, referred to as transorganismic (Witzany, 2010). Intraorganismic communication entails sign-mediated interactions between cells and within cells, referred to as intercellular and intracellular respectively. Intercellular communication processes particularly coordinate growth and development, dynamics and shape, allowing plants to differentially react to physiological influences and developmental status. Witzany and Baluska (2012) observe that finding meaning functions of sign alling molecules would be pegged on coherently investigating interactional patterns where signalling occurs. In these interactions, there would be active coordination and organization of various ordered steps conveyed by signs. These signs encompass a wide array of physical influences and chemical substances. According to Witzany (2010), these chemical molecules used as signs function as memory media, information carriers, messenger substances and signals. With different biotic and abiotic influences, there would be need for different behaviours which determine the set of signs in a given genera, family or species of plants and their production, combination and transportation. Therefore, different communicative processes would be executed with same chemical molecules thus optimizing energy cost. Foraging and Movement in Plants Plants are known to move in response to physical stimuli. Sensitive legumes would fold their leaflets when disturbed by insects with neighbouring leaves foldi ng up upon being wounded. Adler (2011) cites some tropical legumes which lower leaves during heavy but not light rains or alighting insects, a response that accelerates the drying up of the leaf surface. Carnivorous plants would rapidly catch insects and trigger hairs that would take up the meal. These responses in plants could be attributed to osmotic changes in the concentration of ions, action potentials, electrical signals and turgor, compared to actinmyosin system in animals. Through circumnutation, plant organs would undergo subtle movements at their elongation axes, explaining directed and conspicuous movement of plants in response to gravity, light and similar stimuli, thus capturing the required resources (Witzany 2006). Through morphological plasticity, plants efficiently forage for light. Karban (2008) observes that vertical shoots would branch more and elongate less in adequate lighting as opposed to those in limited light. Witzany (2010) further indicates that light tra nsmitted through leaves would have a lower red: far red than unfiltered illumination ratio. Roots would be more abundant in soils with higher nutrients in an attempt to increase the acquisition of resources. Bais, Park, Weir, Callaway, and Vivanco (2004) refer to the underground with densely populated roots which face competition for water, mineral nutrients and space from invading neighbouring root systems as the rhizosphere. Mating and Germination Other than acquisition for resources, plantsââ¬â¢ reproductive behaviours show how they respond to environmental cues. Plants that do not get pollinated respond by increasing
Sunday, August 25, 2019
American Apparel Unwrapping Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
American Apparel Unwrapping Ethics - Essay Example Riggs suggests that, through the concept of having the pro-labor practices in the company, the company has been able to ensure that all the employees are effectively involved in the undertakings of the company as well as in the decision making (54). The availability of the employeesââ¬â¢ motivational incentives such as bonuses for the employees is what keeps the employees motives high in their duties. This usually motivates them in their positions thus enhancing the success of the company. The employees have their job secured in the company; they are always secured of retaining their positions at all the times. The job security is offered to the employees regardless of their positions in the company. Employees are also provided with a payment that is able to sustain their livelihood as itââ¬â¢s always above the minimum wage of the country, their payment is about double of the minimum wage of a country such as California. This is a total motivation to the employees thus improving their performance. American Apparel has gained international recognition through its loyalty to the employees, as well as the customers. Citizens all over the country value the quality clothing of the company thus creating demand for their products. Therefore, this increases the companyââ¬â¢s profitability and enhances the companyââ¬â¢s financial level. The companyââ¬â¢s interrelation with the customers has promoted peoples incentives in promoting environmental conservation. The Companyââ¬â¢s mode of advertisement has reached to the extent of becoming a sexual harassment, as argued by some of the parents. Through the use of some nude advertising pictures, the pictures are been extensive of the ethical codes that are socially expected in the country. According to a consumerââ¬â¢s experience, there are sexually illusive photos that are abusive to the youths. However, teenagers form the most clients
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Application of Nursing Theory to Clinical Practice Essay
Application of Nursing Theory to Clinical Practice - Essay Example The family feature relates to unrestricted relationships between a person and the environment. On the other hand, the collaboration feature ensures the presence of a favorable environment for learning with a view of meeting the health care needs of the person. Ultimately, the learning concept seeks to develop an environment that facilitates achievement of health care needs. Ideally, according to the McGill model, the four concepts help in promoting health care among individuals in the society (Austin & Boyd, 2010). The Patient On 25 November 2012, we admitted a 45-year old man at our health facility with disease symptoms that suggested the presence of tuberculosis and/or malaria. The patient required primary care, diagnosis, and treatment. Ideally, the patient depicted symptoms, which include fever, fatigue, night sweats, headache, weight loss (WebMD, 2013), chest pains, chills, and vomiting (WHO, 2013). Notably, the patient had a medical history of arthritis, hypertension, chronic p roblems, and Plasmodium falciparum malaria. The patient diagnoses entailed two detailed chest X-rays, skin tests, and the analysis of the sputum which confirmed the presence of calcification in the lungs and tuberculosis-like bacteria (Schiffman, 2013). At the same time, the laboratory testing of the patientââ¬â¢s blood confirmed the presence of a P. falciparum parasite that led to the diagnosis of severe malaria. The blood test entailed observing the patientââ¬â¢s blood smear on a microscope slide (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013). As such, the patient nursing care needs included tobacco and alcohol control, observing proper sanitation, advocating... This paper approves that the diagnosing step involves making logical and informed nursing decisions about a health or health issues affecting a patient. This step describes the health issue(s) and determines the patientââ¬â¢s risk to encounter more health problems. This step informs the nurse on the course of treatment. The planning stage involves developing a plan of action with close consideration to prioritized assessment incases of multiple diagnoses. Priority goes to the diagnoses with the most severe symptoms and high risk factors. This stage follows the standardized nursing terms and measurements that derive the patientââ¬â¢s wellness. The implementation stage involves adopting the action plan for specific patients. This entails monitoring the patientââ¬â¢s treatment progress, instructing the patient, and referring the patient for medical follow-up. The evaluation stage seeks to establish the achievement of the patientââ¬â¢s wellness goals. This essay makes a conclusion that health promotion and primary health care principles applied within the context of the McGill nursing model. They applied through the modelââ¬â¢s assumption that the promotion of care results in responsible health behavior among members of the society enhances the quality of health. Health promotion and primary health care principles include accessibility, community participation, empowerment, health promotion, holistic, appropriate technology, sustainability, participative, and inter-sectorial collaboration. Notably, the principles of promotion of care and community participation correlated with the assumption of the promotion of care results and positive community participation in enhancing the quality of health.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Virtualize Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Virtualize - Essay Example i. Performance tuning. It becomes a bit more complicated to monitor performance. Performance monitors alone cannot be relied on. In the VMware environment the use of vSphere will be used. You also need to comprehend how virtual environments manage its resources. This plan is vital because this is the vital components that are used for the virtualization and this often causes the system to malfunction. This is also important so as to avoid the underutilization of the server. The installation of four high-performance guest sessions will escalate a server to 50% or 60% of the server performance. Therefore the planning phase is vital step on any Hyper-V configuration. (Dimar, 2008) This is important to the organization because it will give the glimpse of the benefit of virtualization and the cost that will be required. This cost strategy is vital in any organization to avoid losses that may be due to system failure. (Pollak, 2011) I will go on with the implementation of the strategy of implementation of a virtual infrastructure. This is because the computing operations are of multiple sites with a server count of more than 400 which is larger number. This can increase the performance of the company and may increase its profitability. (Pollak,
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Cuban Revolution Essay Example for Free
Cuban Revolution Essay My name is Juan Luis Sanchez and had lived well in my country Cuba before this new regime by a tyrant they call Fidel Castro. Although Fulgencio Batista was harsh and corrupt, my life was not very bad. Now it seems that things have changed quite a bit here in Havana. We have become what they call a communist state, and we have no political companion here in the western hemisphere. I was one who was opposed to the corruption I saw in Batistaââ¬â¢s government, and though I wanted in some ways to help the peasants raise their standard of living, I was not prepared to have mine lowered in the process. I also was a bit disgruntled at the way the United States had a heavy hand in the politics of my country Cuba, but I am not sure now that Cuba will be in a very good position having incurred the wrath of such a powerful neighbor. This rift has apparently been sealed by a socialist tie we seemed to have developed with the sworn enemies of the United States, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR). Many of my comrades are no longer here in Cuba. I have not been able to find many of my professional friendsââ¬âmy personal attorney, family physician and several of my business partners, I have been told, have fled the country because of the threat that this new regime poses to their livelihood. Many of them now live in Miami, Florida. I am now experiencing what must have been the fears of my comrades that made them flee. My businesses relied heavily on several other business that were funded by U. S. nationals and that have come under attack in this new regime. My business, which was growing in the 1940ââ¬â¢s and 1950ââ¬â¢s, has been experiencing problems since the heavy U. S. ownership of 35% of the sugar industry has been altered. My businessââ¬â¢s strategy seems to have changed greatly. It no longer sends a large portion of its produce to the United States, as relations between Cuba and the U. S. have broken down. This problem seems to be very serious, as I have read about a Bay of Pigs incident in which the United States lent support to some Cuban exiles in an attempt to overthrow Castroââ¬â¢s government. I also hear of a Cold War between the United States and the USSR in which our country has become involved. Recently, the USSR has removed some warheads and missiles from our territory, as the United States had threatened to invade Cuba if those things had remained. Though I have spoken of the business I used to run as ââ¬Å"my businessâ⬠I no longer seem to be in charge of it. When I showed up at the office, no one acknowledged me and I was not allowed to go in. The few comrades I had left in Cuba reported that their businesses had been taken away from them and were placed under the direction of the government. All the profits go to the government, which then rations out wages to former business owners. Our wages have been capped. All my extended property, I came to find, no longer belongs to me and I have lost my large house. Now I have to live in much smaller quarters and share the premises with other persons with whom I am not acquainted. The Cuban economy seems to be doing well, though I have heard that in the last decade (the 1960ââ¬â¢s) it had experienced some trouble. Now, we have been receiving some help from the USSR as our investments and trade have now become heavily tied with this and other communist countries of Europe. Our large sugar industry, though no longer able to serve the United States, is guaranteed a market in these European communist states. Though officially the economy is doing well, I have become aware of a shadow economy that exists here in Cuba. It shades the fact that the U. S. dollar receives a higher value on the black market than it does on the official market. Still, the country does possess wealth, which it pours into governmental policies and the military. Though I should probably be relieved that the country is generating wealth, I am very uncomfortable with the fact that all that I have worked for in the past years has been taken from me. I feel I am entitled to a share in all the wealth that is being generated within the economy, yet I am allowed to share in none of this. I have lost all freedom to enjoy the fruit of my former and current labor. In fact, I find that the freedoms of Cubans have been curtailed to the extent that no voluntary organizations exist, nor is there any real scope for the common educated professional (or any common man) to enter the political arena. I, who once was heavily involved in the political aspects of my community, have now only a few alternatives for membership in organizations. I can become a member of one of two organizations of the Cuban Catholic Bishops known as a Carita, or I may involve myself in one of a few other religious institutions dedicated to Jewish, African, or Masonic religions. I have no dissenting voice when it comes to politics. Though this was largely the case under Batista, it now appears to be even more so. Apart from the friends I learned to have migrated, I have been told in secret that two of them were imprisoned for speaking out against the new regime. Yet, despite all the problems I have found and the freedoms that have been stripped from me, I have also noticed some very strange yet progressive occurrences here in Cuba. These seem to be in favor of those who were once peasants. I remember the days when, especially during sugarââ¬â¢s off-season, many peasants were in danger of starving to death because they were out of work. Even I had no choice but to lay off during that period many who worked for me. Now their lives seem to have improved, as they receive from the state rations that last all year round. Schools have only recently resumed operation here in Havana. I have been told that all the teachers and students had been temporarily sent to rural areas in order to teach the peasants there to read and write. As a result, our nationââ¬â¢s literacy rate has risen rapidly. Almost all the persons here can read and write at this point, and the literacy crash program is said to be almost complete. At this rate, literacy is expected to be at 95% by the 1990ââ¬â¢s. The streets are also much cleaner here than they were before I woke up to this reality. We, as citizens, have all been made responsible for the cleanliness of our community. I myself have been placed in a group and am required to participate in sanitation activities. The healthcare appears to have improved the lives of the peasants, whom I had had a desire to help before the revolution took place. Indeed, some of those who worked for me had enjoyed the benefits of being seen by my personal physician. Despite this, I was well aware that many of their children died at early ages and that this fact was represented in a large portion of the populationââ¬âan overwhelming number that I alone could not possible have hoped to reach. Now it seems that governmental reforms have helped solve this problem, as our infant mortality rate has dropped to about 9. 8 per 1000 live births. This is among the lowest rate in the entire world. We also have a system of health care that ranks as the best in Latin America, and our life expectancy has recently climbed to the levels boasted by the United States. Although my personal physician is no longer available, I find that I too do not have to worry very much about basic healthcare needs, as the Cuban state is now in charge of providing this to all its citizens. This is of great help to me, as I no longer find myself with the resources necessary to pay for these kinds of necessities on my own. Yet, although I am grateful for the help of the government in this area, I cannot help but remember the times when I as an upper-classed business owner could afford to pay for this and so much more. Luis, J. G. (2000). Cuban Revolution Reader: A Document History. Ocean Press.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Fast food nation Essay Example for Free
Fast food nation Essay Letââ¬â¢s be real, the idea of choosing fast food is an attractive option. The ease of driving to a pick-up window to grab a delicious meal for a few dollars in under a couple of minutes is so hard to resist. I mean, who wants to drive to the grocery store to buy ingredients that cost more than an item on the value menu? Who wants to prepare and spend time cooking when you could just wait a few minutes to have someone make you food? Worst of all, who wants to clean up after the mess you made so you can repeat the cycle over again? I could see why many Americans choose such an appealing option. On the other hand, it appears that there are numerous consequences that people are too blind to notice. The entire experience about eating food among friends and families had been replaced by a rushed bite. It is to the point where people view fast food as an essential part of their habitual life. This leads to many problems like health and economic issues. America may have evolved into a fast food nation, or really a fat food nation. To this day, it seems that fast food is the ââ¬Å"go-toâ⬠option because of its convenience, tastiness, and practicality. Unfortunately, the entire experience of eating food has transformed into a ââ¬Å"routineâ⬠¦that is now taken for grantedâ⬠(Schlosser 3). I agree with Schlosser because many people disregard the traditions that food brings to the table. Friends and families come together to eat food and enjoy each otherââ¬â¢s company. Yet people overlook it and choose to finish their food within minutes with no words exchanged to continue what they were doing before. I think that one of the main reasons is how fast paced our country has become, and how our eating habits have sped up. Families have changed the way they eat as the years have progressed. Before, it was considered that ââ¬Å"housewives would have a home-cooked meal ready for their husband and kidsâ⬠(guest speaker, 11/20) when they arrived home. They would eat together and have conversations about anything on their minds. Those times have gradually dissolved when the workforce required wives to take on occupations. As of now, everyone is recommended to secure a job, thus are too busy to cook all the time for their families. The last thing a working mother wants to do when she comes home from an exhausting day of work is to prepare a troublesome meal for the family that is scarfed in seconds. So how do they find a way to overcome their problems? They decide to drive to a bulding that serves a warm, tasty meal to bring back to their families just to satisfy their hunger to move on with their lives. A different scenario is where students are always rushed with jam-packed schedules filled with academics, sports, and extra-curricular interests. Many students do not have the spare time to cook meals in between their busy lives. On top of that, studentsââ¬â¢ energy levels tend to be depleted at the end of the day. Cooking takes too much time and energy, or even thinking of what to make. This leads to the next convenient option: drive-thru restaurants. Nowadays, the essentialism of fast food has taken over in numerous American lives. Those with active agendas may view such fast food as ââ¬Å"something as having universal validity rather than as being a social, ideological, or intellectual constructâ⬠(Rossiter 11/13) for practical reasons. Todayââ¬â¢s hurried pace does not allow people the opportunity to eat leisurely with the company of others. Rather, the replacement of traditional food to fast food is the result of an intense schedule of work and school. When fast food first appeared on the planet, there was a huge economic boom after World War II. Since fast food made a successful mark in history, ââ¬Å"fast food was added to the Merriam- Webster dictionary in 1951. â⬠(Sena). As time progressed, there is no doubt that fast food is loved by not only Americans, but everyone globally. Modern society is always on the go, so grabbing a quick bite is always on demand. With that in mind, the rising of prices, due to economic recession, have changed the perception of many fast food owners. So how do they approach this obstacle? It seems as though fast food franchises have focused on ââ¬Å"high volume, low cost and high speed productâ⬠(Sena). In this day and age, many people ââ¬Å"work for wages and use wages to pay for foodâ⬠(Rossiter 9/4). Due to recession, there are many working class citizens who do spend their money on fast food because that is all they could afford. It is unfortunate because people are being diagnosed with many health problems since they lack the money to buy healthier products. Speaking of which, I think it is quite ironic that a cheeseburger costs just as much as broccoli. Is it not ridiculous that healthy foods cost a lot more than value meals at restaurants? I never grasped that idea and I think that healthy foods should be cheaper than unhealthy junk food. If major fast food corporations drop the prices of healthier foods such as chicken wraps and grilled chicken salads with less fattening dressing and increase prices for the burgers and fries, health problems would be less of a concern. People would be able to eat a standard meal for an affordable price. Furthermore, if people ate healthier food, they would have more energy to be more productive in their jobs. Maybe if fast food restaurants changed their items to healthier alternatives, such issues could be less of a concern. It is hard for me to say if the book effectively conveyed the messages that Eric Schlosser wanted to share because there could have been more evidence throughout the rest of the book. Fast Food Nation was great to read about the history of how the founders lived and how fast food shaped America. Since I grew up in Los Angeles, near Anaheim, it shocked me how that Carl Karcher described the city that had ââ¬Å"palm trees and orange groves, and smelled the citrus in the airâ⬠(Schlosser 13). If I had to describe Anaheim, I would think about the convention center, the Angelââ¬â¢s Stadium and of course, Disneyland; yes, this theme park is the ââ¬Å"happiest place on Earthâ⬠, but not really like ââ¬Å"heavenâ⬠(Schlosser 13). I found it quite interesting how fast food became a huge success after the invention of cars came up. It never crossed my mind that the creation of drive-in restaurants became such a great hit and helped the economy out incredibly. I also found this book interesting because of automobiles, this led to ââ¬Å"the worldââ¬â¢s first motel and the first drive-in bank. â⬠(Schlosser 17). Due to that, food stands introduced ââ¬Å"curb serviceâ⬠which seemed like drive-ins became acceptable year-long. I had no idea that the McDonald brothers were the ones to start the Speedee Service System, thus starting the fast food nation. Nor did I know that they ââ¬Å"employed only young menâ⬠(Schlosser 20) and that attracted families rather than hiring women which attracted teenage boys. What interested me the most was that young employed men attracted families rather than teenage girls. If employed women attracted boys, it would only make sense that employed men attracted females. However, within the required pages of the book, I would say that the Schlosser could have done a better job to convey his messages. In the introduction, he stated his thoughts about how fast food affected America and how he would approach his thoughts. However, the first chapter went off topic and gave the audience a better understanding of the founding fathers of the biggest fast food joints in the world. I think that he should have referred to the impacts that fast food had on people. There was not much information about how fat food influenced the traditions of food or what happens behind the cash register. He did say a little bit about the economic trends and how the Speedee Service System allowed more families from the working- class background could afford their products. I was hoping Schlosser would talk more about traditions and experiences about food and how it evolved today. I believe that he could have stated more evidence on how fast food impacted the lives of America in the present and cut out a lot of history. Sure, the information from the past helped me understand what was going on, but rather talking about the lives of the founders, more information about what was really inside the food behind the counters could have helped Schlosserââ¬â¢s message. When I heard about this book, I assumed he would talk about how each item on the fast food menus were really created. I was looking forward to read about new ingredients that were injected and what livestock was raised and used to make the burgers. Also, Schlosser could have mentioned his opinions on solutions to these problems. By stating a few possible answers, he could have touched some readerââ¬â¢s hearts enough to make changes in their lives. It could have even helped society think twice about stuffing a Big Mac or Double-Double in their mouths. On top of that, I anticipated something similar to the documentary ââ¬Å"Super Size Meâ⬠in the sense that Schlosser would have conducted an experiment to shock his readers. Something like Morgan Spurlockââ¬â¢s social experiment would have opened my eyes even more about fast food and ââ¬Å"the issue of rising ofâ⬠¦corporate social responsibility. â⬠(Riley). By throwing in some appalling facts, it would have been more effective to the readers. Perhaps Schlosser could have one person eat any kind of fast food for a month and see if any drastic changes occurred. At the end of the day, I think it is up to the consumers to choose if they want to eat French fries or not. They are the ones to decide if they should consume a Wendyââ¬â¢s triple stacker burger and know the consequences. America has more options than fast food, there are easy recipes to cook, make food in advance if a schedule is too busy, or buy in bulk to save money. Eric Schlosser may have enlightened his audience throughout the rest of the book, but he can only do so much to influence his readers. Works Cited Riley, Jim. CSR at the Movies Supersize Me in 7 Minutes. Tutor2u. Tutor2u Limited, 20 Feb. 2011. http://www. tutor2u. net/blog/index. php/business-studies/comments/csr-at-the-movies-supersize-me-in-7-minutes Rossiter, Jaime. Food Nationalism/Ethnicity. Essentialism. San Diego State University, San Diego. 1 Dec. 2013. Lecture. Rossiter, Jaime. Global Food Regime. Geography of Food. San Diego State University, San Diego. 25 Nov. 2013. Lecture. Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001. Sena, Matt. Fast Food Industry Analysis 2013 ââ¬â Cost Trends. Fast Food Industry Analysis 2013. FranchiseHelp Holdings LLC, n. d. Web. 28 Nov. 2013. http://www. franchisehelp. com/industry- reports/fast-food-industry-report.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Holocaust Effects On Jews During WW11
Holocaust Effects On Jews During WW11 The Holocaust is the time between30th January, 1933 when Adolf Hitler was declared Germanys chancellor to 8th May, 1945 when Europe officially ended the Second World War. Throughout this period, Jews who were in Europe became subjected to increasingly harsher persecutions which eventually led to 5,000 Jewish communities being destroyed and the killing of over 6 million Jews, in which 1.5 million Jews were children. These deaths were two thirds of the Jews population in Europe and a third of all the Jews in the world.Ã [1]Ã Jews who got killed during the Holocaust were not the causalities involved in the European fight during WWII, but they were the fatalities of Germanys systematic and deliberate attempt to wipe out the entire population of Jewish in Europe, a plan that Hitler regarded as the Final solution.Ã [2]Ã This essay describes several effects that the Jewish population endured during the Holocaust in WWII. The effects were physical, psychological, spiritual, and emoti onal. This paper intents to delve into the perceived reasons for the Holocaust, then explore the physical, psychological, spiritual, and emotional effects that plagued the Jewish population during WWII. The paper also highlights why the entire Jewish population had to engage and reevaluate how their human rights had been invalidated and why to it took so long for other countries to come to their aid. Background Initially, Germany had been defeated in WWI, and was feeling humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles that lessened its prewar region, significantly lessened its military forces, authorized the country to recognize its guilt in engaging in the WWI, and specified it to compensate the allied authorities. Since, the empire of German was destroyed, a fresh parliamentary government was formed called Weimer Republic. It suffered greatly from economic instability. Adolf was initially Nazis (National Socialist German Workers) leader. He became the chancellor when his party won a considerable percentage of votes. As a result, the party gained threshold and provoked clashes among the communist.Ã [3]Ã The Nazi party ruled Germany for 12 years. Within this period, there evolved an innermost believe that a certain group of people who were dangerous existed in the society and therefore, there was need for them to be eliminated in order to allow the Germany society to survive and flourish. These people included the Russians, the Poles and the Gypsies, but the central focus was the Jews. The Jews were conservative people in respect to their actions, beliefs and behaviors. However, in spite of the numerous actions and efforts that they made to appear transformed, that did not help to change the perceptions of the Germans towards them.Ã [4]Ã It also conducted a propaganda campaign that was vicious against weak political opponents such as the Weimar government, as well as the Jews who were perceived to be the cause of the ills of Germany. The Jews were declared by the Nazi in their weekly newspaper as the cause of the countrys misfortune. The influence that the newspaper created was f ar reaching and resulted to a half a million newspaper copies being distributed weekly. Therefore, when Hitler became the chancellor, he called for fresh elections in order to gain full Reichstag control. The party employed government resources to crush other parties, banned political meeting and arrested party leaders.Ã [5]Ã During the election campaign on 27th May, 1933, Reichstag building was set ablaze and the columnist was blamed for the act. The fire symbolized the end of democracy in Germans because the day that followed, the government abolished individual protection and rights: press freedom, expression and assembly freedom, and privacy rights. The Nazis won the election and established a dictatorship government that devised rules and acts to silence critics. The party also established a military and police force that was sophisticated. Once the infrastructure of police was in place, Nazi opponents were beaten ,terrorized and sent to the camps of concentration that were mainly constructed to imprison them. Dachau was one of such camps that were eventually converted to a brutal Jews concentration camp.Ã [6]Ã When Hitler gained Germanys absolute control, his campaign to eliminate the Jews progressed. The Nazis complained that pure German culture had been corrupted by the Jewish mongrel and foreign influence. They proclaimed the Jews to be cowardly and evil, whereas the German honest, courageous and hardworking. On the other hand, Nazis claimed that the Jewish that majored in the press, commerce, finance, literature, arts and theater weakened the economy and culture of German. As a result, the massively supported government propaganda developed an anti-Semitism race that was diverse from the ant-Semitic tradition longstanding in Christian Churches. The Nazi started to isolate the Jews from the rest of the society. As the fittest and the strongest, the Germans were predestined to rule, while the racially adultered and the weak, the Jews were destined to extinction.Ã [7]Ã Hitler started to restrict all Jews with terror and legislation that entailed the burning of book that Jews wrote, eliminating Jews from public schools and professions, confiscating their property and businesses and barring them from participating and attending public events. This was the Nuremberg Law, the most renowned anti-Jewish legislation enacted in 15th September, 1935.This law formed the basis that was legal to exclude the Jews from the society of Germans. The majority of Jews tried to flee Germany. Thousands of Jews managed to immigrate to countries like England Holland, France, Belgium and Czechoslovakia. It proved difficult for the Jews to escape from Europe. As a result, the Jews encountered immigration quotas that were stiff in the majority of the countries in the world. Even when the necessary documents were obtained, they could wait for long before, they leave.Ã [8]Ã In some cases, desperate families sent their young ones first. In 1938 July, representatives from 32 courtiers at Evian town in France gathered to resolve the immigration and refugee problem that the Nazi had created in Germany. However, nothing useful was decided or done in the Conference. Therefore, it was apparent to the Nazis and their leader Hitler that no country needed the Jews, and thus, he could not encounter any resistance in implementing Jewish policies. In 1941autumn, Europe became sealed in effect to the majority of legal emigration and as a result, the Jewish who had not escaped were trapped in Europe. In 1938, 9-10 November, attacks became violent, Jews were killed, their businesses and homes destroyed and looted, and synagogues burned. The majority of Jews were killed and beaten; 30 000 were arrested and taken to the concentration camps. The Germany employed the superiority of their military to terrorize and crush the Jews. Worst of all is when the German started using massive appraisals threats. Hundreds of Jews were shot due to the opposition of one Jew. In thousands, Nazis, as well as their accomplishes searched with greatest efficiency the European countryside and cities to capture the Jews, catching every Jewish who attempted to escape. The Jews became abandoned by the rest of the world. They had no ways to defend themselves, and no country they could turn to or call their own. As result, Jews remained unmoved to their doom, and many of them assisted the Nazis in arresting and deporting their fellow Jews to the camps of death.Ã [9]Ã In the start of WWII, Poland was invaded by German who established ghettos for Jews to reside. Out of the total population in Poland, 10% comprised of the Jewish. They were deported forcibly from homes to go and live in the ghettos that were crowded, isolating them from the society. This move aided the Jews deportation to the camps of death. The ghettos lacked essential food, space, sanitary facilities and water needed by numerous people who dwelled within constricted boundaries.Ã [10]Ã As a result, the majority of the Jews who could not cope up died of starvation and deprivation. In 1941 June, Germany invaded Russia and started its Final Solution operation. They formed killing groups of four namely Einsatzgruppen A, Einsatzgruppen B, Einsatzgruppen C, and Einsatzgruppen D. These groups gathered Jews from every town and marched them towards huge pits, which had been dug, stripped and lined them, then shot them using automatic weapons. The dying and the dead would fall to be buried massively, and above 1.3 million Jews were murdered in such a manner. In 20th January, 1942, German government top official held a Conference, Wannsee Conference to coordinate civilian and military branches to arrange the killing of Jews in mass numbers. This meeting marked the start of comprehensive and full-scale extermination operation, and laid the basis for the organization that immediately started once the conference ended. While in the process of eliminating the Jews, other ethnic and national groups were murdered such as gypsies, Polish intellectuals, and Society wars prisone rs, however, the Jews were systematically market for total annihilation. In each country that the Nazis overrun, Jews were compelled to put on badges marking them. They would be rounded up in concentration camps or ghettos and then transported to centers where they would be killed. Death camps were specifically factories where the murdering of Jews took place. Thousand were shipped to the death camp and killed after being stripped of their possessions and valuables. They could be gassed until they die, then their corpses burned in crematoriums designed specifically for that purpose. The majority of young healthy and strong Jews were instantly killed.Ã [11]Ã The Final Solution and the German effort in war needed a huge man power deal. As a result, Jews were reserved in huge pools to provide slave labor. The Jews who were imprisoned in labor and concentration camps were compelled to work whenever laborers were needed in munitions factories. They could work for morning to nightfall without adequate shelter and food. As a result, the majority of the Jews died in the factories. When Hitler retreated his army, the Jews were marched towards the controlled territories. The sick and the starving were forced to march for several miles. Many of them were shot and died as they marched. The Jews power to resist was limited due to the overwhelming repression of the Germans and the existence of many collaborators in several local populations. However, the resistance of the Jews did occur in various forms. Staying clean, alive and observing the religious traditions of the Jews constituted their resistance in the dehumanizing conditions that they were exposed by the Germans. The Jews also started an armed revolt in Vilna ghettos. The biggest ghetto revolt was the Uprising. The Jews fought hidden in sewers and bunkers for 27 day and evaded being captured. However, the Germans burned all buildings and crushed the Uprising. All the resistance acts that the Jews staged were immensely unsuccessful before the superior forces of German.Ã [12]Ã However, they were extremely significant sipiriually offering hope to the Jews that the Nazis will also be defeated eventually. The concentration camps were gradually liberated when Allies started attacking the German troops. For instance, Maidanek was liberated in 1944 July and Auschwitz in 1945 January by the Soviet forces. Bergen-Belsen was librated in 1945 April by the British forces, and Dachau the same year by Americans. Initially, there were various steps that the Nazis took before the Final Solution. The operation was reported and known to the public in German. In addition, several foreign correspondents reported on the operation. Even if the information failed to reach the West earlier enough, the report was smuggled and arrived in Britain in 1942. Thereafter, the details of the Final Solution operation reached every Ally, from the sources at the Vatican, and from Switzerland informants and Polish underground. The government of America confirmed the operation report to the leaders of the Jewish towards the end of November 1942. The Allies were made aware of the Nazis persecutions. In spite of being a ware of the Nazis activities, the responses from the Allies towards the destructions and the perception of the Jews in Europe proved to be inadequate. It was only in the start of 1944 that an agency War Refuge Band was formed for the purpose of providing express endeavors to save the Nazi persecution victims. Before the agency was formed, all the Allies were extremely reluctant and little efforts were made. On 17th December, 1942, the Allies conveyed a condemnation to the atrocities that the Nazi had committed to the Jews. This was the lone declaration that the Allies made before 1944.Ã [13]Ã The Allie failed to make any attempt to request the local people in Europe to stop from offering the Nazis assistance in their orderly Jews murder. Even after the War Refuge Band was established, as well as several rescue efforts initiated, Allies declined from bombing the Auschwitz death camp or the railroad that lead the camp, in spite of the fact that the bombers of the Allies were at that moment involved in factories bombing that were near the camp, and were all certain of its function and existence. On the other hand, Allies failed to deal with the refugee problem. Initially, the refugees had sought to gain access to America; however, they were excluded by the stringent policies of the American immigration system. Furthermore, the considerably small visa quotas that existed remained unfilled, even though the amount of applicants was relatively much more that the available number of places. The countries that the Great Britain, as well as the United States invited were informed t hat no single country will be requested to alter the laws of immigration. In addition to that, Britain agreed to get involved provided Palestine did not get considered. Consequently, the conferences that were conducted in Bermuda (1943) and Evian (1938) to deal with the problem of refugee failed to contribute in providing a solution. At Bermuda, Conference delegates dealt with the issue of the Jews who had managed to escape to safer lands instead of handling the matter of the Jews entrapped n Europe.Ã [14]Ã The Allies could have saved the Jews from further persecution by mobilizing practical evaluations which would have helped the Jews rescue. These measures includes the provision of permission to refugees to get temporary admission to Allies countries, the Allies could have relaxed the entry requirements that are stringent. The Allies could also have offered unequivocal and frequent warning to local populations and Germans throughout Europe that people who will participate in murdering the Jews will be held accountable. Alternatively, the Allies would have bombed the death camp to stop the murdering of the Jews.Ã [15]Ã The Holocausts major element as the genocidal machine of the Nazi aimed in not only in destroying the Jewish Community in Europe, but also to destroy the Jewish seed. The Holocaust was not only focused in the racial existence of the Jews, but also against the proactive potential of the Jewish. The numbers of Jewish people who were imprisoned and killed in the camp network concentration can challenge the ability of a person to comprehend the suffering enmity that the Jews experienced. Several exterminations were repeated in the ghettos which also continued when arriving at the camp, and repeated at each medical examination persistently. Any Jew that showed any physical disease signs was eliminated. This resulted to enormous deprivation and suffering.Ã [16]Ã Another aspect is that those Jews who dwelt in Western Europe, as well as Germany failed to perceive themselves as the separate state minority in the countries they lived. The Jews claimed to be diverge from the rest of the citizens in regard to religion. They desired to posses equal and full rights as the nationalist since they felt that they had became an integral constituent of every country in regard to nationality. For instance, in German, Out of a half a million Jews, two-thirds of their population was involved in commerce and trade, one quartet working in industries and one-eighth in profession such as medicine and law and public service. Before the Second World War, during the Republic of Weimar, the socioeconomic position had become overwhelmingly upper and middle class.Ã [17]Ã On the other hand, the Jews gained high political area positions in the countries that they resided. The other Holocaust element was because anti-Semitism became much more evident due to social antagonism, inferiors status and economic depression of Jewish that existed in some parts of Europe, more especially, Eastern Europe. On the other hand, in Rumania, Hungary and Poland, the Jews were claimed to be foreign elements in the indigenous population who occupied high civil and profession positions that belonged to the nationalist by right. In spite of the anti-Jewish policies and the depression of the economy, religious and self identity led to increased levels of cultural creativity. Jews were the one responsible for publishing periodicals and daily newspapers, Jews in thousands, joined various political parties, their trade unions, Zionist movements of the youth, and the Jewish theaters exhibited drama of high quality. In some parts of Europe, more especially Lithuania and Poland, there existed Yiddish and Hebrew school systems that several young men learned in yeshivot whose super iority, Poland in particular was recognized all over the world of the Jews. This elements above majorly contributed to the Holocaust.Ã [18]Ã On 8th May 1945, WWII ended. At the end of the war, around 10 million people were in the concentration and Nazi camps, war camps prisoners and units of forced labor. Out of the 10 million, 200, 000 Jews survived from their population of around 6.5 million. They had no countries or homes to go to. Jews from France, Hungarian, Belgium and Holland returned to their origin country. However, many Lithuania and Poland Jews who survived declined from going back to their country of origin in spite of the persuasion and efforts of America and other nations. This was because they had no friends or family in their original communities and homeland. On the other hand, the Holocaust survivors found themselves living in DP (Displaced Camps) awaiting to be immigrated to Israel. These were Jewish survivors from Austria, Poland, Italy, and Germany. The Jewish found Poland to be no longer viable to the Jewish community, furthermore, those Jews who survived became objects of murder by the nationalist o f Poland. The Holocaust survivors were predestined to wait several times and for long months and even years to be able to be immigrated to Israel.Ã [19]Ã The determinations of the survivors go back to their homeland became the major contribution towards the gaining of Israels independence, as well as the Jewish life and State renewal. Psychological Effects The Holocaust psychological effects were long range on the mental condition of the survivors, as well as complex and multitudinal. For the survivors to recover from the Holocaust shock that they experienced, they had to go a psychic splitting. This implied that psychic or denial numbing, depersonalization or idealization had to occur. On the other hand, the senses of the survivors became heightened, or in some cases lived as animals that are hunted, constantly being alert for threat. Furthermore, any vengeful, aggressive impulse by the survivors became constant. Apathy became a period that was filled with acute danger in that any Jew who arrived and exhausted from the ghettos or transport dehumanizing conditions and remained being in shock died. Alternatively, the Holocaust survivors who retreated to themselves for long became shunned by the rest of the group and became deprived of support. The survivors developed ways to manage with the Holocaust horrors through sustenance of the ho pe of family union. However, upon liberation, they were not only confronted with the perishing of their family members, but a lost with the horrifying circumstance of their death. The survivors became pervasive and developed a depressive temper with a behavior that is morose and the withdraw tendency. They also developed general apathy that alternated with irregular helplessness feeling, anger outbursts, shortness and insecurity, less interest and initiative, significant psychosomatic stress prevalence, persecutory expression and attitude.Ã [20]Ã The Holocaust survivors developed a silence reaction that proved to be extremely damaging to the psychological state of the affected, their families, as well as the integration of new cultures. As a result, the silence reaction intensified the isolation sense of the survivors that resulted to the formation of another barrier to the process of mourning. On the other hand, the silence that others imposed proved to be particularly painful towards those survivors determined to be witnesses.Ã [21]Ã Therefore, these offered the survivors the option of withdrawing completely to newly formed families. The other psychological effects of Holocaust was the inability to talk and work, fears and anxieties of other persecutions, for instance, the fear of police officers who were uninformed became apparent. The Holocaust survivors also developed guilt feeling as to why they had to survive the persecution than the rest, they showed signs of nightmares, death, panic attacks, as well as several psychosomatic symptoms. On the other hand, the survivors became agitated and anxious of their inner tensions, valuelessness feelings and appeared constantly afraid and apprehensive to be unaccompanied. The personality of the survivors changed, they showed less or more radical disruption in behavior, outlook and development. The deaths that occurred from the Holocaust denied the survivors the chance to not only have a physical mourning arrangement like the remains, the grave or the service, but also denied them, the psychological ability to feel and absorb the deaths of their loved ones and finish the process of mourning.Ã [22]Ã Physical Effects The camps conditions and the nutrition at the concentration camps were worse in that it turned the survivors to living corpses, musclemen. The rate of mortality was extremely high due to frost bites, multiple infections, atrocities injuries, respiratory tract disease, diarrhea, and chronic malnutrition. There was no housing or clothing, There were rampant cases of scabies and lice infections, as well as several infectious diseases like typhus. Even after liberation, in spite of the diseases being treated extensively, some of the survivors had developed defective conditions that were permanent. The survivors developed failing memory, increased fatigability, concentration inability, irritability, emotional liability, restlessness, and sleep disturbance. The survivors also developed premature aging, ulcers, cardiovascular disease, coronary disease, arteriosclerosis cerebrovascular, arthrosis and kidney stone.Ã [23]Ã Spiritual Effects Religion was one of the major contributions of the Holocaust. This led to the Jews who faced the most realities that were painful. The Holocaust was the aspect that gave the Jews the options of choosing to remain a Jew or continue being a Jew. The earliest experiences of psychological reaction when Jews learned on the Holocaust resulted to extreme unconscious and conscious anger in the world of no-Jewish. It was observed as the effect of gentile indifference and assault. This was a painful experience since for the last thousands years, the gentile world had persecuted the Jews. Initially, from the time of Emancipation around 1815, Western Europe Jews desired equally treatment, with the law protecting the right of people. Therefore, the Holocaust extremely affected the religion relationships. Since then, there has existed an irreversible burst in the relationship between the Jewish and the Christians. Initially, the anti-Semantic regimes allowed the Jew to convert, flee or assimilate his persecutors, however, during the Holocaust, no Jew escaped the executioner.Ã [24]Ã The silence of the world smashed all the Jewish believes and traditions that the Gentiles would, and could control themselves for hate expressions. The Holocaust experiences made the survivors desire to develop a purpose in the happenings that resulted to the development of a belief system that was viable. Some of the survivors found meaning with their lives through the use of creative resources in searching for a rationale or simply transmitting the horrifying incidents of the Holocaust to the world unknown. On the other hand, some of the survivors accomplished a similar goal by the relentless Nazi pursuit thus, reaffirming the belief that they had; justice exists even in the experience. For other survivors, the development of Israel as state was a meaningful and good outcome. The majority of the survivors were in need of a life purpose, an aspect that resulted to the unending reliving horrors of the past, or displacement or blanket denial. Such survivors started to believe that God does not exist, neither does a believe system exist that can maintain them during the times of a crisis like the Holocaust. The majority of the sur vivors started questioning the existence of God. The silence of God during the Holocaust raised painful questions, the awful reality that Gods chosen nation and people were almost wiped from the earth while God remained silent. Therefore, the faith that the Jews had in their God became under scrutiny.Ã [25]Ã Emotional effects Holocaust survivors who were emotional affected were families, children and mothers who had children. Jewish families traditionally invested everything on their children since they were highly valued, more especially mothers who played the larger part in upbringing offering them heritage foundational values and self worth. However, the holocaust changed the perceptions of such emotions. Because of the difficulties encountered by the parents, they developed severe ability impairment in responding to their growing children appropriately, setting limits, encouraging curiosity, and accepting their robust activity. The Holocaust experiences led to parents who viewed their children as the rewind of their personal encounter with destruction and death. This resulted to some parents varying their responses towards their children. Some of them became unable to vest in their offsprings emotionally. They became preoccupied with their losses and mourning. On the other hand, the majority of them b ecame emotionally spent. As a result, the resources that could have been used formerly in handling an extended family catastrophe became unavailable.Ã [26]Ã Furthermore, the manner in which parents administered discipline became chaotic or rigidly ineffectual and hardly ever related to the childrens needs. After WWII, the entire Jewish population engaged in serious evaluation of how Allies had invalidated their human rights and why it took so long for them to be rescued from persecutions. As a result, the UN (United Nations) was established in 1945 with the dedication to learn the lesson of failed experiments. However, the founding of principles of human rights in the UN founding charter was not uncontentious. It involved sustained campaigns by respected NGOs lobby, inclusive of the Jewish Committee of America. Together with other councils and federations, they argued that human dignity contempt that the world witnessed throughout the Holocaust needed the introduction of international human rights. The mass killing of women, children and men all over Europe needed a passive or active alliance of their fellow Jews. An injunction of the Universal Declaration was formed that deem every human being to be endowed with conscience and reason, and should therefore act towards other fellow huma n beings in a brotherhood spirit.Ã [27]Ã Conclusion The essay above has comprehensively discussed the how the Holocaust severely affected the Jewish population during the Second World War. The essay has also elaborates the factors that led to the Holocaust and several spiritual, emotional, physical, as well as psychological effects of Holocausts on the Jews. It is apparent from the essay that the atrocities committed by the Nazis against the Jews were severe and against the dignity and rights of humanity. Discussion It is no doubt from the essay that the effects of the Holocaust transformed the life of the Jewish people. The Jewish cultures and economic situations have changed in comparison to the times of the Holocaust. Usually, the passing of time assists relieving loss and helps to diminish the degree of grief in lo
Monday, August 19, 2019
Costa Rica and the CBD :: Government Essays
Costa Rica and the CBD Introduction Costa Rica has been well ahead of other developing countries with its environmental policies. Its involvement with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was in part due to the fact that the country had already been complying with many of the stipulations the convention put forward. In order to understand Costa Rica's environmental leadership one must first understand the history of the CBD and of Costa Rica's environmental policies, and the implications the CBD has had on Costa Rica . It is also important to discuss the increasing role of non-governmental organizations within Costa Rica for changing and creating environmental policy. Even though Costa Rica had advanced environmental policies before the creation of the CBD, the CBD has been important in jumpstarting more international relations between Costa Rica and other countries as well as with other international organizations. Costa Rica worked with international organizations before the ratification of the CBD, but they were more prevalent after the conference. Background to the CBD In 1992 the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. One of the most important outcomes of Earth Summit was the creation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the enactment of the convention one year later. The CBD was the first global agreement for the conservation and the sustainable use of biological diversity. It identifies a set of problems, goals and policies that are common to states worldwide. Its three main goals are: to ensure the conservation of biodiversity; to require the sustainable use of the components of biodiversity; and to share the benefits from the commercial utilization of genetic resources in a fair way ("Text of CBD"). These goals were not new for Costa Rica. It is very important to consider the needs of developing countries when drafting international legislation regarding biological diversity because most of the world's biological diversity is found in developing countries. A reason for the c reation of the CBD was the global demand to protect biodiversity and one its provisions is that states have a sovereign right over biodiversity resources. Both of these factors are important when looking at where environmental policy is today because many developed countries who are not home to a significant amount of biodiversity are still concerned with it and that is why they want to impose regulations on the maintenance of biodiversity in other countries.
My Suicide :: personal narrative
Everyone hates me for what I am. They all think I am strange. They stare as if i were the main attraction at a freak show. I hate myself for what i am not: social, outgoing and happy. No one would miss me if I died. I cannot take the torment of living in this world anymore. I would be better off dead! I sit on bed in my candle-lit room, the black velvet curtains drawn shut. The smoke from the burning incescents swirls throughout the room the in the pale flickering light. The melancholy sounds of Nine-Inch-Nails softly echoes in the corners. Depressed, I wonder what is wrong with me? Why does everyone make fun of me? Why do I not any friends? How come no one cares about me? I need an escape from the insanity of my own mind? Death, it is most people's worst fear; however, it is the only thing that will liberate me from this hell on earth. In my hand I hold the key to my freedom, a razor blade. In awe I analyze the razor: it's sterile, machine precise metal, cutting edge. It is more beautiful than anything nature could produce. Holding it with my right index finger and thumb, I place it's razor edge upon my left wrist. It glistens in the candles' flames. I stare as the shadows of the razor dance like ghosts on my forearm. I apply pressure down on the blade until the skin depresses under the metallic edge. Slowly I apply more pressure. My skin separates beneath the razor edge and the blade sinks into my flesh. Fascinated I raise my arm to my eyes. There is no blood, despite the fact that there is a piece of metal embedded in my wrist. I lower my arm back down and again grasp the razor blade with my right hand. I slide the razor's edge along my arm, away from my wrist, and then remove the blade from out of my arm. The razor had left a clean three and a half inch surgical incision, starting a couple of centimeters back from the bottom of my palm. Throughout all of this I did not feel a thing. Finally, blood slowly beads up along the slit. Instantaneously the cut splits open into a deep crevice. Blood gushes out from the wound, pouring onto my satin bed sheets. My Suicide :: personal narrative Everyone hates me for what I am. They all think I am strange. They stare as if i were the main attraction at a freak show. I hate myself for what i am not: social, outgoing and happy. No one would miss me if I died. I cannot take the torment of living in this world anymore. I would be better off dead! I sit on bed in my candle-lit room, the black velvet curtains drawn shut. The smoke from the burning incescents swirls throughout the room the in the pale flickering light. The melancholy sounds of Nine-Inch-Nails softly echoes in the corners. Depressed, I wonder what is wrong with me? Why does everyone make fun of me? Why do I not any friends? How come no one cares about me? I need an escape from the insanity of my own mind? Death, it is most people's worst fear; however, it is the only thing that will liberate me from this hell on earth. In my hand I hold the key to my freedom, a razor blade. In awe I analyze the razor: it's sterile, machine precise metal, cutting edge. It is more beautiful than anything nature could produce. Holding it with my right index finger and thumb, I place it's razor edge upon my left wrist. It glistens in the candles' flames. I stare as the shadows of the razor dance like ghosts on my forearm. I apply pressure down on the blade until the skin depresses under the metallic edge. Slowly I apply more pressure. My skin separates beneath the razor edge and the blade sinks into my flesh. Fascinated I raise my arm to my eyes. There is no blood, despite the fact that there is a piece of metal embedded in my wrist. I lower my arm back down and again grasp the razor blade with my right hand. I slide the razor's edge along my arm, away from my wrist, and then remove the blade from out of my arm. The razor had left a clean three and a half inch surgical incision, starting a couple of centimeters back from the bottom of my palm. Throughout all of this I did not feel a thing. Finally, blood slowly beads up along the slit. Instantaneously the cut splits open into a deep crevice. Blood gushes out from the wound, pouring onto my satin bed sheets.
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